Monday, April 13, 2009

Potty Training

I finally have to post about our potty training adventure. Yes, I mean adventure b/c everyday is something new. We really started trying about a three weeks ago, and it's just been in the last week that Gage is finally getting it. He has went the past week or so in the same pull up all day. I really give a lot a credit to his school. I think it helps to have other kids to watch and learn from. Gage gets really excited once he actually uses the potty and lets everyone he meets know that he 'goes potty, makes green!' The first time he actually pottied he said he looked green, so tells us when he goes that he's pottied and made green. I think it's quite cute. And, as long as he goes in the potty, he can call it whatever he wants : ) He does wear big boy underwear at home, but I have been adventurous enough to try outside of home yet. We are working on it. I did get the cutest pic of him in his Lightening big boy undies, but I wasn't sure if it was appropriate to post it, but you can take my word on it.

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